
Etusivu » Ajankohtaista » Tapahtumat


Cultural well-being - Seminar
Nordic Art Hotel Lasaretti. Kasarmintie 13, Oulu.
14.4.2023 klo 8:30–16:00

Join us in learning about recently developed methods, research, concepts and personal experiences which illustrate the multiple positive effects art and nature can have on health and mental health.


You can also experience these effects firsthand in workshops given by our keynote speakers.


The seminar is co-organised by Culture Experience Guides project of City of Oulu, Lähde! project of Oulunkaari and Henki ja Elämä project of Mielenvireys ry.


Please note that the seminar is in English.


Register for the seminar and workshops here. Registration closes on the 31st of March, 2023.


The event is free of charge.


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