Etusivu » Aineistot » Julkaisut » Materiaalit » Aho, Maarit. The LuontoHoiva and LuontoVoima quality labels in Finnish Green Care services and their impact on the field
Aineiston nimi: Aho, Maarit. The LuontoHoiva and LuontoVoima quality labels in Finnish Green Care services and their impact on the field
The aim of this Master's thesis was to research the Finnish Green Care quality labels (LuontoHoiva and LuontoVoima) and their impact on the Finnish Green Care field.
Aho, Maarit. 2019. The LuontoHoiva and LuontoVoima quality labels in Finnish Green Care services and their impact on the field. Master’s Degree Programme in International Business Management. Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.
2019 vuosi
Luontolähtöisyyden asiantuntemusala
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences